You're a soldier working for the Soviet Onion and your order was to explore and old, abandoned cave. Rumors say that hidden deep within the cave there is unimaginable amounts of treasure, coins, gems, and other goodies. Even though you're ordered to go into the cave, your fear of the dark, Nyctophobia, is preventing you from running. Thus you have to resort to walking around. As ordered you enter the cave with a flash light and, start hearing some very creepy sounds around, with an ominous music track in the background. After conquering the entrance to the cave, you start to go deep and notice an unused spotlight in the caves' lower levels, you try to fix it but to no awail. It keeps flickering on and off, with no signs of stopping, while in the deeps you find a tribe of ninjis that have adapted to the dark and defending their treasure from a pesky soldier such as you. After that, something really strange happeneds, while entering the pipe you were kicked in the head by a ninji and are now unconcious. Suffering in this cave made you realise what you really wanted in life, and that's to become an astronaut. You float in your mind, being in "imaginary" space, until you wake up on the other side of the pipe, and then you see it. Many jewels, coins, and other stuff. You have successufully completed your mission and can now return to the surface, happy, because you conquered one of your biggest fears, the dark. If you didn't get any of what i was saying, Basically the first two sections focus on the brightness, the first using a flashLIGHT effect while the second using the spotLIGHT. The third section is Mario in space, so he is LIGHT compered to the other sections. The last section he finds the treasure room that he was ordered to find (a lazy excuse of me ending the level). Credits: Darolac Incognito Gamma V Pikerboo13 Mandew LegoGucci Koopster Compwhiz128 Milon Luxy Janno27 Iceguy