by tjb0607
Game: SMW
Description: uncaps mario's speed
; note this doesn't have full support for slopes. if you want to yoink this as uberasm for your own hack, please keep that in mind. LDA $0100|!addr ; \ only run in gamemode 14 EOR #$14 ; | ORA $9D ; | and when the game isn't paused BEQ + ; | RTL ; | + ; / PHB ; \ push old data bank to stack, and set data bank to current program bank PHK ; | this allows inline data using db PLB ; / !! WARNING!! YOU *MUST* ALWAYS PLB BEFORE YOU RTL LDA $15 BIT #$03 BEQ done AND #$01 TAY LDA $75 ; the logic here is a mess and im sorry BEQ + ; i already see a better way to implement it but it already works as is so i wont fix it INY #2 LDA $72 BNE ++ INY #2 BRA ++ + LDA $15 BIT #$40 BNE + ++ INY #2 BRA ++ + LDA $13E4|!addr CMP #$70 BNE + ++ INY #2 + ; end very bad code LDA speedcap,Y BMI minus CMP $7B BCS done LDY $7B BMI done LDA $7A CLC ADC #$80 STA $7A TYA CLV ADC #$02 BVC + LDA #$7F + STA $7B BRA done minus: CMP $7B BCC done LDY $7B BPL done LDA $7A SEC SBC #$80 STA $7A TYA CLV SBC #$02 BVC + LDA #$80 + STA $7B done: PLB RTL speedcap: db $DD, $24, $D1, $30, $ED, $14, $F1, $10, $F9, $08 ;game's usual speed caps (+1 is added to negative speeds)back to listings