by djief
Game: SMW
Description: Puts Goombas in Yoshi's mouth
!spriteNum = $0F !swallowTimer = $FF ;=================================================================================== LDA $100 ; \ only run in gamemode 14 EOR #$14 ; | ORA $9D ; | and when the game isn't paused BEQ + ; | RTL ; | + LDA $187A BEQ ret LDY $18DF ; load Yoshi's slot (+1) BEQ ret ; if 0, no Yoshi, so return DEY ; now Y = Yoshi's slot yoshifound: LDA $160E,y CMP #$FF BNE ret LDA $1594,y BNE ret LDX 11 ; finds a free sprite slot, doesn't spawn anything if no slot loop: LDA $14C8,x BEQ found DEX BPL loop ret: RTL found: LDA #!spriteNum : STA $009E,x ; spawns the item in yoshi's mouth LDA #$07 : STA $14C8,x TXA : STA $160E,y LDA #!swallowTimer : STA $18AC if !spriteNum == $80 ; Tells the game yoshi has a key in mouth LDA #$01 STA $191C endif JSL $07F7D2 RTLback to listings