by tjb0607
Game: SMW
Description: puts you in invalid flight phases
LDA $100 ; \ only run in gamemode 14 EOR #$14 ; | ORA $9D ; | and when the game isn't paused BEQ + ; | RTL ; | + ; / LDA #$02 ; \ fly me to the stars STA $19 ; | LDY $149F ; | CPY #$03 ; | BCS + ; | STA $149F ; | + ; / LDA $1407 ; current flight phase BNE + RTL + LDA $1408 ; phase change index CMP #$04 ; player let go of run BNE + LDA $1407 CMP #$03 BCC ++ LDA #$02 STA $1407 ; make flight actually end LDA #$CE ; and give one last cape pump before flight ends STA $1409 ++ RTL + LDA $14A4 CMP #$02 ; if phase change timer is 0 or 1, then BCS + EOR $14 ; \ randomize flight phase ADC $15 ; | EOR $148D ; | EOR $94 ; | EOR $96 ; / BNE ++ ; make sure flight phase doesn't get set to 0 LDA #$01 ++ STA $1407 + RTLback to listings