by circlefriendo
Game: smw
Description: Ground Pound
;Ground Pound UberASM ;this one gives ground pound ability that acts the same as yellow yoshi + shell/yoshi + yellow shell. !ControllerTrigger = $16 !CancelControllerTrigger = $16 !ButtonTrigger = $04 !CancelButtonTrigger = $08 ;Frame used during ground pound !GroundPndFrame = $1C ; !GroundPndSpeed = $40 ;downward speed during ground pound !MaxSpeed = $50 ;Smibbix: Maybe there could be a couple options like having Mario also fall a little quicker when holding down, to give a cool heavy effect. ;if less than !GroundPndSpeed or !CancelButton is down, this won't work. !GroundPndAirStay = $10 ;how long stay in air before dropping !GroundPoundDelay = $0A ;how long player is unable to activate ground pound again after cancelling !GroundPndStartSound = $23 !GroundPndStartBank = $1DF9|!addr !GroundPndFlag = $1869|!addr ;also acts like speed container for faster fall. RAM reusin' rules !GroundPndTimer = $186A|!addr ;how long to stay in air after pressing trigger button. also used for delay before player can re-activate ground pound again. BRA main NoPoundAndDelay: STZ !GroundPndTimer NoPound: STZ !GroundPndFlag ;disable ground pound (branch out of bounds edition). RTL main: LDA $9D ;freeze flag (hurt, pickup power-up, growing yoshi, etc.) LDA $13D4|!addr ;no pause ORA $1426|!addr ;no message box (which stops action) BNE .Re LDA $74 ;no climbing ORA $1407|!addr ;no flying ORA $75 ;can't ground pound underwater ORA $1470|!addr ;\not when carrying an item ORA $148F|!addr ;/ ORA $187A|!addr ;not when riding a yoshi (don't feel like offsetting position + yellow shell/yoshi shenanigans) ORA $1493|!addr ;not when goal BNE NoPound ;reset ground pound state if any of this is true LDA $71 ;check various player animations, like death, entering level via pipe, door, and etc. BNE NoPound ; LDA !GroundPndFlag ; BNE .GroundPoundin ; LDA $72 ;can only ground pound when in air BEQ NoPoundAndDelay ; LDA !GroundPndTimer ;delay BNE .ReTimer ; LDA !ControllerTrigger ;check for controller input that triggers ground pound AND #!ButtonTrigger ; BEQ .Re ; LDA #!GroundPndAirStay ; STA !GroundPndTimer ;set short timer to stay in air if !MaxSpeed > !GroundPndSpeed LDA #!GroundPndSpeed STA !GroundPndFlag ; else INC !GroundPndFlag ; endif STZ $140D|!addr ;disable spinjump STZ $73 ;no duck jump LDA #$24 STA $72 ;break sprint jump state STZ $13E4|!addr ;something about run-jumping STZ $14A6|!addr ;no cape swinging allowed JSR DisableSomeButtons ;frame perfect cape swing LDA #!GroundPndStartSound ;play sound STA !GroundPndStartBank ; STZ $7D ;no Y Spd .Re RTL ; .ReTimer DEC !GroundPndTimer ; RTL ; .GroundPoundin STZ $7B ;no X Spd JSR DisableSomeButtons ;no X/Y and left/right input LDA #!GroundPndFrame ;set ground pound frame STA $13E0|!addr ; LDA !GroundPndTimer ;stay in air for a little bit BEQ .Move ;untill timer is zero DEC !GroundPndTimer ;tick timer LDA $7D ;chuck and disco shell BMI .NoPoundAndDelay ; STZ $7D ; BRA .CheckGround ;fix ground rising up thing .Move LDA !CancelControllerTrigger ;can cancel out with a button AND #!CancelButtonTrigger ; BNE .NoPoundAndDelay ; .Checks LDA $7D ;if we stomped something or gained upward speed in any way... BMI .NoPoundAndDelay ;stop ground pound if !MaxSpeed > !GroundPndSpeed ;LDA !GroundPndTimer ;BNE .CheckGround LDA $15 AND #$04 BNE .MoveFaster ;natural force's at work. DEC !GroundPndFlag LDA !GroundPndFlag CMP #!GroundPndSpeed BCS .Skip ;keep speed consistent LDA #!GroundPndSpeed ;set downward speed STA !GroundPndFlag ; BRA .Skip .MoveFaster LDA !GroundPndFlag CMP #!MaxSpeed BCS .Skip INC !GroundPndFlag .Skip LDA !GroundPndFlag STA $7D else ;LDA !GroundPndTimer ;BNE .CheckGround LDA #!GroundPndSpeed STA $7D ; endif .CheckGround LDA $77 ;check if we touch a ground AND #$04 ; BEQ .Re ; ;perform stomp man ;before we do that offset player's pos so it looks correct LDA $96 : PHA ; SEC : SBC #$10 ; STA $96 ; LDA $97 : PHA ; SBC #$00 ; STA $97 ; JSL $0286BF|!bank ;cause quake and stuff PLA : STA $97 ;restore position PLA : STA $96 ; .NoPoundAndDelay STZ !GroundPndFlag ;disable ground pound. LDA #!GroundPoundDelay STA !GroundPndTimer RTL ;.NoPoundNoRunFrame ;STZ $13E4|!addr ;doesn't fix run-jumping frame. ;LDA #$24 ;run jump cancel ;STA $13E0|!addr ;(graphical) ;BRA .NoPoundAndDelay ; DisableSomeButtons: LDA #$43 ;disable left and right direction buttons TRB $16 ; TRB $15 ;can't hold X/Y (to make sure player doesn't grab anything during ground pound and cancel it) RTSback to listings