by lineprinter
Description: give keys
; using thumbshredder code by Thomas: ;;; which item to spawn !spriteNum = $80 ; 04 = green shell, 05 = red shell, 06 = blue shell, 07 = yellow shell ; 0F = goomba, 11 = buzzy beetle shell ; 2F = spring, 3E = p-switch, 53 = throwblock, 80 = key ;;; if spawning a p-switch, this is the color switch to spawn !pswitchColor = $00 ; 00 = blue, 01 = silver ;;; settings for which buttons will spawn the item (default: L or R) ; which input address to use (either $16 or $18 is recommended; see SMWC's RAM map) !inputAddress = $18 ; which buttons to use to spawn the item (see above address) !inputValue = %00110000 ;=================================================================================== main: lda $100 CMP #$14 bne .ret lda $14 and #$0f bne .ret LDX #$0b - LDA $14C8,x BEQ .found lda $9E,x ; check if there's a shell already spawned cmp #!spriteNum beq .ret DEX BPL - .ret: RTL .found: phx - LDA $14C8,x BEQ + lda $9E,x cmp #!spriteNum beq .plret + DEX BPL - plx LDA #$06 ;sound STA $1DFC ; LDA #!spriteNum : STA $9E,x LDA #$0B : STA $14C8,x JSL $07F7D2 if !spriteNum == $3E ; set p-switch color LDA #!pswitchColor STA $C2,x endif LDA $76 : EOR #$01 : TAY LDA $94 : CLC : ADC .xOffsL,y : STA $E4,x LDA $95 : ADC .xOffsH,y : STA $14E0,x LDA #$0D LDY $73 BNE + LDY $19 BNE ++ + LDA #$0F ++ CLC : ADC $96 : STA $D8,x LDA $97 : ADC #$00 : STA $14D4,x RTL .plret: PLX RTL .xOffsL: db $0B,$F5 .xOffsH: db $00,$FFback to listings