by perryman1138
Game: SMW
!Y_speed = $7D !RisingSpeedCap = #$DF !FallingSpeedCap = #$20 !addr = $6000 !Timer_1 = $1406|!addr ; This address is also related to springboards. Did you know? dontgrav: STZ !Timer_1 RTL Timerdec: db #$03,#$05 main: LDA $9D BNE dontgrav ; animations are locked LDA $74 BNE dontgrav ; Mario is climbing LDA $72 BEQ dontgrav ; Mario is on the ground LDA $75 BNE dontgrav ; Mario is in water LDA !Y_speed ; ?) If Mario is falling BPL Label_1 ; -> [1-A] Branch to <Label 1> ;[1-A] ; vvv ; --- Mario is rising CMP !RisingSpeedCap ; ?) If Mario's rising speed is faster than #RisingSpeedCap: BCS Label_2 ;[2-A] ; -> [2-A] Branch to <Label 2> ; vvv ; --- Mario's rising speed is faster than #RisingSpeedCap LDA !Timer_1 BPL + LDA #$FF STA !Timer_1 BRA ++ + LDA #80 STA !Timer_1 ; [] Set Timer 1 ++ ; vvv ;--- Label_2: ;<- <- <- [2-A] Mario's rising speed is slower than or equal to #RisingSpeedCap LDY #$00 LDA $15 BMI + INY + LDA !Timer_1 SEC SBC Timerdec,y BCS + LDA #$00 + STA !Timer_1 ; [] Tick down Timer 1 ;LDA !Timer_1 ;DEC ;DEC ;DEC ;STA !Timer_1 ;LDA $15 ;BMI + ;DEC !Timer_1 ;DEC !Timer_1 ;+ ;[3-A] ; vvv ; [] Set Mario's rising speed to #RisingSpeedCap LDA !Timer_1 BEQ + LDA !RisingSpeedCap STA !Y_speed + ;--- BRA Label_3 ; <- <- <- [3-A] Timer 1 currently isn't running down ;--- Label_1: ; <- [1-A] Mario is falling ; [] Decrease Mario's falling speed by a small amount CMP !FallingSpeedCap ; ?) If Mario's falling speed is lesser than #FallingSpeedCap BCC Label_4 ; -> [4-A] Branch to <Label 4> ; vvv ; [] Set Mario's falling speed to #FallingSpeedCap LDA !FallingSpeedCap STA !Y_speed Label_3: LDA !Y_speed SEC SBC #$02 STA !Y_speed Label_4: ; <- <- <- [4-A] Mario's falling speed is lesser than #FallingSpeedCap RTLback to listings