by snydej
Description: What do you think it does?
!game_mode = $7e0100 !buttons1 = $7e0016 !ground_stand = $7e13ef !sprite_stand = $7e1471 !sprite_1_id = $7e009f !sprite_1_status = $7e14c9 !sprite_1_phase = $7e00c3 !in_cloud = $7e18c2 !cloud_slot = $7e18e1 !cloud_timer = $7e18e0 !mario_y_lo = $7e0096 !mario_y_hi = $7e0097 !sprite_1_tweaker1 = $7e1657 !sprite_1_tweaker4 = $7e167b !mario_vy = $7e007d !mario_vx = $7e007b !sprite_1_vy = $7e00ab !sprite_1_vx = $7e00b7 lda !game_mode cmp #$14 bne end lda !carl_initialized beq no_spawn dec sta !carl_initialized ;Player is jumping off the ground. Put them in a cloud! lda #$87 sta !sprite_1_id lda #$08 sta !sprite_1_status lda #$01 sta !in_cloud sta !cloud_slot sta !sprite_1_phase lda #$ff sta !cloud_timer lda #$80 sta !sprite_1_tweaker4 lda #$10 sta !sprite_1_tweaker1 lda #$d0 sta !sprite_1_vy lda !mario_vx sta !sprite_1_vx no_spawn: ;Test if the player is on the ground. lda !ground_stand ora !sprite_stand beq end ;b jump test lda !buttons1 bit #$80 beq end lda !in_cloud bne end lda #$01 sta !carl_initialized end: lda #$00 rtlback to listings