by nambona
!statustile = $0F0D main: LDA $0100 EOR #$14 ORA $9D BEQ + RTL + LDA $14 BEQ .changeall CMP #$C0 BEQ .1left CMP #$90 BEQ .2left CMP #$60 BEQ .3left RTL .1left LDA #$01 STA !statustile LDA #$23 STA $1DFC RTL .2left LDA #$02 STA !statustile LDA #$23 STA $1DFC RTL .3left LDA #$03 STA !statustile LDA #$23 STA $1DFC RTL .changeall LDA #$00 STA !statustile LDA #$29 STA $1DFC LDX #$0B - LDA $14C8,x CMP #$08 BCC ..next LDA $9E,x CMP #$7B BEQ ..next CMP #$4A BEQ ..next LDA #$01 STA $14C8,x JSR RNG LDA $148D AND #$01 CLC ADC #$6B STA $9E,x ..next DEX BPL - RTL RNG: REP #$20 ; If you know you will be coming here from the SNES side, you can make Accumulator 16-bit, and then jump here to save some time LDA $2137 ;\ PPU registers LDA $213C ;/ ADC $13 ADC $148D ; 36 ADC $14 XBA STA $148D SEP #$20 RTSback to listings