by hwailaluta
Description: Some other powerup states
; Powerup selector with L/R, by Darolac ; This code allows to gain a configurable powerup after pressing L, R or both. !powerup1 = $22 ; powerup status that is gained upon pressing R: #$00 = small; #$01 = big; #$02 = cape; #$03 = fire. !powerup2 = $33 ; powerup status that is gained upon pressing L. !powerup3 = $40 ; powerup status that is gained upon pressing L+R. !R = 1 ; set this to 0 if you don't want to gain a powerup after pressing R. !L = 1 ; set this to 0 if you don't want to gain a powerup after pressing L. !LR = 1 ; set this to 0 if you don't want to gain a powerup after pressing L+R. main: lda $9D ora $13D4 bne .ret lda $18 if !R bit #$10 beq + ldy #!powerup1 sty $19 + endif if !L bit #$20 beq + ldy #!powerup2 sty $19 + endif if !LR lda $17 and #$30 cmp #$30 bne + lda #!powerup3 sta $19 + endif .ret rtlback to listings