by nambona
Description: you need to write to an address to randomize the palette
!palthing = $7FA501 main: ;LDA !palthing-1 ;BNE + ;RTL ;+ LDA $13 BEQ + RTL + SEI LDA #$00 STA !palthing-1 STZ $4200 REP #$30 LDX #$01FE - JSR RNG LDA $148D STA !palthing,x DEX #2 BPL - SEP #$10 LDX #$80 STX $2100 LDA #$2202 STA $4300 LDA.w #!palthing STA $4302 LDX.b #!palthing>>16 STX $4304 LDA #$0400 STA $4305 LDX #$01 STX $420B SEP #$20 LDA #$81 STA $4200 CLI LDA #$0F STA $2100 ;LDA #$DE ;LDX #$C0 ;LDY #$DE RTL RNG: ; If you know you will be coming here from the SNES side, you can make Accumulator 16-bit, and then jump here to save some time LDA $2137 ;\ PPU registers LDA $213C ;/ ADC $13 ADC $148D ; 36 ADC $14 XBA STA $148D RTSback to listings