by ixitxachitl
;This code switches direction buttons with each other based on user defines. ;No credit needed (I appreciate it though :) ), just don't claim it as your own. ;Version: 1.0 ;Made by: Nowieso ;Last Update: No updates yet ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Choose the type of code you want to use ; 0 let's the code always run while you are in the level ; 1 let's the code run depending on the state of the ON/OFF Switch ; 2 let's the code run depending on if a blue/silver P-Switch is currently active or not ; 3 let's the code run depending on if the player currently has star-power or not ; 4 let's the code run depending on if the player is riding Yoshi or not ; 5 let's the code run depending on if the player is in water or not !typeCode = 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Choose an option you want to use for switching buttons and change the values below. ; 0 switch left with right ; 1 switch left with up ; 2 switch left with down ; 3 switch right with up ; 4 switch right with down ; 5 switch up with down ; 6 normal ; 7 switch left with right AND up with down ;IF YOU CHOSE TYPE 0----------------------------------------------------------- !choiceNormal = 1 ;IF YOU CHOSE TYPE 1----------------------------------------------------------- !choiceON = 6 ;option to use if the ON/OFF switch is currently ON !choiceOFF = 6 ;option to use if the ON/OFF switch is currently OFF ;IF YOU CHOSE TYPE 2----------------------------------------------------------- !switchType = 0 ;0 = Blue Switch, 1 = Silver Switch !choiceActive = 6 ;option to use if the P-Switch is currently active !choiceInactive = 6 ;option to use if the P-Switch is currently inactive ;IF YOU CHOSE TYPE 3----------------------------------------------------------- !choiceStarActive = 6 ;option to use if the player has currently star-power !choiceStarInactive = 6 ;option to use if the player has no star-power ;IF YOU CHOSE TYPE 4----------------------------------------------------------- !choiceRiding = 6 ;option to use if the player is riding Yoshi !choiceNotRiding = 6 ;option to use if the player is not riding Yoshi ;IF YOU CHOSE TYPE 5----------------------------------------------------------- !choiceInWater = 6 ;option to use if the player is in water !choiceNotInWater = 6 ;option to use if the player is not in water ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Don't touch these unless you know what you are doing ;Format: byetUDLR ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !bits0 = %00000011 !bits1 = %00001010 !bits2 = %00000110 !bits3 = %00001001 !bits4 = %00000101 !bits5 = %00001100 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;START OF THE ACTUAL CODE ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main: !choice2 = 6 ;without this define, UberASM does not read other values for !choice2 if !typeCode == 0 !choice = !choiceNormal elseif !typeCode == 1 !choice = !choiceON !choice2 = !choiceOFF LDA $14AF|!addr BNE choiceNo ; if switch is OFF, branch elseif !typeCode == 2 !choice = !choiceActive !choice2 = !choiceInactive if !switchType == 0 LDA $14AD|!addr ;blue switch timer BEQ choiceNo ;if P is not active, branch else LDA $14AE|!addr ;silver switch timer BEQ choiceNo ;if P is not active, branch endif elseif !typeCode == 3 !choice = !choiceStarActive !choice2 = !choiceStarInactive LDA $1490|!addr BEQ choiceNo ;if player has no star-power, branch elseif !typeCode == 4 !choice = !choiceRiding !choice2 = !choiceNotRiding LDA $187A|!addr BEQ choiceNo ;if player is not riding Yoshi, branch elseif !typeCode == 5 !choice = !choiceInWater !choice2 = !choiceNotInWater LDA $75 BEQ choiceNo ;if player is not in water, branch endif ;Switch controls:--------------------------------------------------------- choiceYes: if !choice == 7 LDA $15 BIT #!bits0 BEQ Switch ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits0 ;switch the buttons STA $15 Switch: LDA $16 BIT #!bits0 BEQ Switch2 ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits0 ;switch the buttons STA $16 Switch2: LDA $15 BIT #!bits5 BEQ Switch3 ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits5 ;switch the buttons STA $15 Switch3: LDA $16 BIT #!bits5 BEQ endCode ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits5 ;switch the buttons STA $16 endCode: RTL elseif !choice == 6 RTL else !bits = !{bits!choice} ;gives !bits the value for the bit defines LDA $15 BIT #!bits BEQ + ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits ;switch the buttons STA $15 + LDA $16 BIT #!bits BEQ + ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits ;switch the buttons STA $16 + RTL endif choiceNo: if !choice2 == 7 LDA $15 BIT #!bits0 BEQ Switch ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits0 ;switch the buttons STA $15 Switch: LDA $16 BIT #!bits0 BEQ Switch2 ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits0 ;switch the buttons STA $16 Switch2: LDA $15 BIT #!bits5 BEQ Switch3 ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits5 ;switch the buttons STA $15 Switch3: LDA $16 BIT #!bits5 BEQ endCode ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits5 ;switch the buttons STA $16 endCode: RTL elseif !choice2 == 6 RTL else !bits = !{bits!choice2} ;gives !bits the value for the bit defines LDA $15 BIT #!bits BEQ + ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits ;switch the buttons STA $15 + LDA $16 BIT #!bits BEQ + ;if buttons are not pressed, branch EOR #!bits ;switch the buttons STA $16 + RTL endifback to listings